Praise for Pro Platform
Feedback and ideas from our members are of the upmost importance. We actively work to grow and improve the platform by surveying and reaching out to our members for their input on our services. Read on for feedback from Pro Platform members:
“I am a few posts deep into the pro platform and have already kicked myself fourteen times for not joining sooner. Thank you!”
-Megan, Five Seasons Microfarm
“Loving all the content on the Pro Platform- Thank you so very much from a new grower, extremely inspiring and beneficial in helping to navigate all the ins and outs!”
-Jamey, Windy Heights Flower Farm
“The Pro Platform from Little Farmhouse Flowers is one of the key components to building my own flower business, Alchemy Farmhouse. Linda’s topics are spot on with timely ideas and strategies that are easy to implement. The video tutorials and integration into Instagram are great. The flexibility of being able to participate in live events or watch (and rewatch!) them later in the Pro Library is an amazing value. LFF is an invaluable resource for top-notch advice and helpful tips. It’s the best business investment you didn’t know you were missing!”
-Lauren, Alchemy Farmhouse Blooms
“I can’t tell you how much this has helped me personally, and the farm. Linda is such a caring advocate and teacher and makes it a safe place to learn and ask questions. She embodies community over competition. Looking forward to a new year with you on the Pro Platform.”
“The Pro Platform is my go-to resource for growing a more productive and efficient flower farm. Everything I have tried from Linda's program has led to positive improvements on my flower farm, from trialing new flower varieties to organizing things for a more efficient workspace. Whenever I look for ideas online, I go to the pro platform first. Linda is a natural teacher and makes it easy to learn and grow my business in a calm and intentional way.”
-Brooke, Jenny Creek Flowers
“I recommend pro-platform to all my grower friends. It’s kind of like a gift from grower heaven. All the things we need to know but often spend many aggravating years of trial and error learning ourselves the hard way. I am ever grateful to you, Linda, for sharing your knowledge and expertise, your own trial and error, your own flower-filled discoveries, and helping us all to become better, more knowledgeable, and more dynamic growers. I really can’t recommend this platform enough.”
-Jennifer, Six Dutchess Farm
“I've always believed that investing in myself for educational content is crucial to my learning curve. As a second year flower farmer with a demanding full time job (and now a newborn), my goal is to fail fast so that I can succeed faster. But why even fail in certain areas if someone else has already failed and is willing to share their learnings for the price of lunch per month? The Pro Platform presents content that enhances things that I'm doing or that I'll bookmark for when the time is right. I highly recommend it to anyone who is serious about growing and selling local flowers.”
-Jessie, b.a.r.e. flower farm (www.bareflowerfarm.com)
“I have found the Pro Platform one of the best investments I have made over the last 6 years for my flower farm. The vast variety of information Linda shares comes from experience and is communicated in a clear, efficient and friendly way. Linda is very approachable and responsive when questions arise. I look forward to each new segment and the one year subscription is worth its weight in gold!!!”
-Peg, Little West Flower Farm
“GREAT ideas! Well worth the price of membership!”
-Val, Three Toads Farm
“You have totally nailed this info and the entire Pro Plan access for me and I am a huge, huge fan of the breadth of the subjects you are covering. I was thinking after I went through Floret's course and a few others that I wished I had the exact information you are giving as my next steps. You break things down in very clear, concise ways, which I appreciate greatly. I am so dang grateful to have found you, Linda. I enjoyed our first consultation last winter and have been diligently applying your suggestions while playing whack-a-mole with ALL THE THINGS about starting a farm. Cheers!”
“I love your platform! This month I cancelled all other subscriptions, etc. and am only using yours as it is always useful!”
“New folks, you are in the right place because you will learn so much and be so inspired by Linda.”
“Worth every single penny - the content is fresh, practical and fills in the little gaps to take your growing up a notch. I’ve learned sooooo much!”
“I love these videos and learning about plants and processes that I might not otherwise consider. The way things are explained are easy to understand and interesting. Thank you!”
“All of your content is very valuable to me and a fun way to learn! I've taken other courses and subscribed to one other IG flower farmer at a lower price point and this along your Tulip Workshop course content far exceeds anything I've experienced both in content and follow up access. It is wonderful to be able to ask questions and get responses - I honestly don't know how you do it but thank you! I would love to know when to watch live but I don't want to add something else to you already full plate! Thank you!”
“What a wealth of knowledge! Such a good investment if you’re a flower farmer. Learning so much already”
“I haven’t been in the group long, but I really like that I can ask questions. I always want to ask experienced growers questions, but know it takes time/their resources/knowledge to answer for free. This platform allows me to ask the questions and pay you for the answers, which I feel good about. I also like the short clips and tid bits of info. Being able to search for what I am looking for and watch the video has been great.”
“I’ve loved every video! Very informative and helpful.”
“I have found this membership to be outstanding. Linda is a wonderful speaker and has a lovely disposition. Any time I have asked a question the response has been prompt.”
“Each video is packed with such great information! I am absolutely loving the content and and learning so much with each post!”
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