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Hello! Thanks for reaching out. To schedule a phone/Zoom call or special visit, please book an appointment below. I look forward to connecting with you soon.
Interested in working on a larger project? A full farm development plan? A longer term custom mentorship for your business? Let’s connect! I’d love to learn more about your project needs. Email me at linda@littlefarmhouseflowers.com, share a little about what you hope to accomplish with our assistance, and I’ll help you determine the next steps.
Need help transferring content to a new site? Want someone to just take a look and give you advice on what to improve? Book work from one of our flower farmer web specialists here:
Need a little extra help? There are never enough hours in the day and sometimes the web work can fall behind. We understand, and we’re here to help you maintain your site. This service is for clients who need to transfer content from an old website to a new one. OR - for clients who need content they’ve collected (text, images, videos) added to a new website that is already set up.
We can also audit your website, write copy, create blog posts, or add product descriptions, etc.
This service includes 2 hours of dedicated work on your site by a member of our website management team. All of our team members are well-versed in flower farming and floristry. They’re all growers and designers here, too!