is now:
You’ll also find this information on our new website for Ampersand Bulb Co.
1. Fill out a Resale form:
Please download and fill out the resale form for your state. Each state’s resale form is linked below for your convenience.
We hope that listing all the forms here makes the process easier for you. We know forms are a hassle. We require them because New York says we must collect them. To expedite your account set up, please send the proper paperwork.
Canadian customers should use proof of their business registration and be sure to read our info page about order fulfillment and shipping.
Go to and click the “shop wholesale” button to sign up! You’ll be prompted to add your resale form/certificate to your application. We’ll review your application and if everything is in order, we’ll grant you access to our offerings.
State forms:
Alabama- Resale Certificate does not apply- Wholesale Purchaser needs to provide sales tax license or Sales Tax Certificate of Exemption.
Alaska- No sales tax in state- No resale certificate necessary.
California- Requires additional phytosanitation certifiate
Delaware- No sales tax in state- No resale certificate necessary.
Idaho- Form ST-101
Indiana- Form ST-105
Maine - 3 year certificate- Needs to be applied for and issued.
Mississippi- No resale Certificate- Wholesale purchaser needs to provide Sales Tax License or Sales Tax Certificate of Exemption
New Hampshire- No sales tax in state- No resale certificate necessary.
New Mexico- Need to apply for a Non-Taxable Transaction Certificates (NTTC)
Tennessee- Informational link only - Resale Certificates are assigned and distributed to business owners.
Texas- Form 01-339
Washington- Resale Certificate must be applied for.