Beat the Weeds with these Summer Perennial Flowers
Looking for a flower-filled garden that is strong enough to crowd out weeds? These 5 plants pack a powerful punch when it comes to filling in space. They can hold their own against one another, but we recommend thinning or dividing them over time. You can share the divisions with friends or sell them as part of a nursery program at your farm/farm stand. All of them perform well in full sun.
They are all pollinator friendly, perennial, and bring bright, cheery colors over a long bloom period mid-summer. And, best off— in our opinion- they FILL space. If you love the look of a flower-packed wild cottage garden, these can help you achieve that look!
Golden Marguerite (dyer’s chamomile): This sweet flower fills its growing space with cheery yellow blooms. For growers n cold climates who struggle to grow craspedia, you’ll see similarities in the round centers of Golden Marguerite. You can even use the flowers in a similar way in designs if you remove the petals or wait until the petals fall. And of course— it’s great for use as a natural dye. Seeds available from Select Seeds. Suitable for growing in USDA zones 3-8.
'Golden Marguerite’
Tall Garden Phlox: these full, fluffy blooms add cloud-like pillows of color to perennial gardens and serve as nice filler in vase arrangements and other floral designs. They don’t have “grocery store” vase life, but they are great for event work! Plants available from Bluestone Perennials. Suitable for growing in USDA zones 3-8.
Tall Garden Phlox
Monarda: Also called bee balm, monarda is favorite of butterflies and hummingbirds at our flower farm. It has a nice herby-spicy scent and comes in a range of colors including pale pink and lavender, pink, purple, and red. We don’t use monarda as a cut flower often. We leave it for the beneficial insects, birds, and flower farm guests to enjoy. Seeds available from Swallowtail Garden Seeds. Retail plants available from Bluestone Perennials. Suitable for growing in zone 4-9.
Monarda/Bee Balm
Heliopsis: looking for a zinnia-like flower that returns reliably year after year and even spreads itself? Check out heliopsis. We have a couple rows of ‘Burning Hearts’ that provide more flowers than we could ever use for our business. If splashy summer booms and striking contrasting foliage sound good, start up some seeds and tuck these into your garden. Seeds available from Swallowtail Garden Seeds. Suitable for growing in zone 3-9.
Heliopsis ‘Burning Hearts’
Veronica (Speedwell): And if you really want to give the pollinators a treat, plant some veronica. Taller, cut flower varieties are available. These plants can spread some if flowers are let to go to seed. The bees and flies love veronica. We love the tidy stems, spire form, and easy-to-strip foliage. Veronica is available in white, light pink, park pink, and blue-purple. Plants available from Bluestone Perennials. Suitable for growing in zones 4-8.
Veronica / Speedwell
I hope this list is helpful. These plants perform so well for us and come at the top of our list when consulting growers on how to make a beautiful mid-summer blooming perennial garden that is full of color, bees, butterflies & hummingbirds. Have a question? Let me know in the comments below. Cheers!